Jakarta (OtOJakarta) - English Articles, after Indonesian Articles
Di Awal 1920an Walter Chrysler bergabung di perusahaan mobil Maxwell-Chalmers.
Ia direkrut di perusahaan tersebut untuk mengambil alihnya, dan memperbaiki keadaan perusahaan yang sedang kacau-balau saat itu.
Di akhir 1923, produksi dari Chalmers Automobile akhirnya dihentikan.
Di bulan Januari 1924, Walter Chrysler meluncurkan merk mobil baru "Chrysler 70", sebuah mobil bermesin 6 silinder dengan kualitas prima, berteknologi tinggi, namun dengan harga yang terjangkau pada masanya.
Akhirnya Chrysler didirikan oleh Walter Chrysler pada tanggal 6 Juni 1925, sejalan dengan reorganisasi perusahaan mobil Maxwell Motor Company (yang didirikan pada 1904) menjadi Chrysler Corporation.
Foto : Istimewa
In the early 1920s Walter Chrysler joined the Maxwell-Chalmers automobile company.
He was recruited into the company to take over, and improve the company's current state of chaos at the time.
At the end of 1923, production of Chalmers Automobile was finally discontinued.
In January 1924, Walter Chrysler launched a new car brand "Chrysler 70", a 6-cylinder engine car with excellent quality, high technology, but at an affordable price for its time.
Finally Chrysler was founded by Walter Chrysler on June 6, 1925, in line with the reorganization of the Maxwell Motor Company (founded in 1904) to become the Chrysler Corporation.
Photo: Special
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